Thank you sooo much for this class!!! You’ve provided me with answers to questions I did not even know I needed to ask. I feel what I learned from you on the very first module was worth the price of the entirety of the course. –Marcella Moy

I am so grateful that at 8 weeks I am fully organized and have a regular writing routine. At this rate, I will have my first draft of the book completed within 2 months. I am so grateful for the support and help to get me where I am today! So thank you, Tanja Pajevic and my fellow writers for helping me get where I am today! And, I am really, really enjoying the writing and feeling quite delighted by how this is turning out. –Elena Davis

The Memoir Mastermind journey has been not only educational, but has also provided the space for all of the participants to build a community that will be treasured long after our books are published. Tanja’s guidance and coaching brought us so much closer to fulfilling the dream of telling our stories using the craft of memoir. I can’t imagine getting this far without the Mastermind experience! –Cindy Powell


A free 60-minute workshop

Map Your Memoir is a free offering to help you get started on your memoir OR get unstuck.

My goal is for you to walk away from this 60-minute online workshop with clarity on how to start building and shaping your memoir.

In this workshop, I'll share some of my favorite tools for writing a compelling memoir that people actually want to read. I'll also share some of my favorite mind and body tools for creating safety and empowering yourself in the process.

Unlike many other free, online workshops, there will be no hard sell. At the end of the workshop, there will be a brief invitation for those who'd like to continue working with me. If that's of interest to you, this workshop will give you a good sense of my teaching style and help us see if we're a good fit for each other. If not, you'll still find the teachings valuable.

Learn more here.


A Step-by-Step Program to Create a Compelling Memoir

(and Empower Yourself in the Process)

In this 9-week online program, you will create a strong foundation for a compelling memoir that people want to read. You’ll map out your memoir’s structure, then leave with a clear set of next steps so you know exactly what you need to write or revise to reach the finish line. And you’ll learn the mind and body tools to get there.

With 7 online modules, 9 live coaching calls and a kind and supportive community, you’ll receive plenty of support for your memoir as well as gentle and compassionate support for your mind, body and soul.

Together, we'll empower you with strategic support based on YOUR vision and aligned with YOUR goals.


Memoir Mastery is a unique blend of strategic support based on YOUR vision for your memoir and aligned with YOUR goals. And it's all grounded in mind and body tools to ensure you stay healthy and whole so you can reach the finish line.

Each cohort is limited to 8 writers to ensure you get plenty of hands-on support. Once those seats have been taken, registration closes.

Plus a bonus training addressing common concerns we face when writing about our lives, such as "What will my family think?" and "Can so-and-so sue me?" Plus a bonus training to help you set up a writing schedule that works for your real, full, human-scale life (instead of some idealized version of yourself).


Most writing workshops aren't designed to help you write a full-length book. And while they’re certainly helpful if you’re looking for feedback on 20-40 pages, an 8-week workshop won’t teach you book structure, much less offer the additional support you’ll need to get to the finish line.

How many writing workshops have you taken, hoping something will change? How much time and money have you sunk into efforts that didn't get you any closer to the finish line?

Friend, I've been there! I've even taught those workshops. It's one of the main reasons I created this program. Because I knew there was a better way.

The book programs that do exist are pricey. For example, some literary outlets offer 2-year book programs that run between $5000-$16,000. Getting your MFA, meanwhile, will cost between $24,000 to $73,000 (and MFA programs aren't even designed to help you write a book!).

I don’t think you should have to spend that amount of time or money if you want to write a book. Memoir Mastery is offered at a much lower price because I want to make this as affordable to as many folks as I can.

A big part of my mission is to empower women and help them reclaim their story. Full stop.

If this feels like a good fit, I invite you to join us.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Memoir Mastery program, and be the first to know when registration for the next cohort opens.


A 6-Month Accountability Group to Finish Your Memoir

The Writer's Circle is a 6-month container to help you write forward and finish your memoir. We'll write together twice a month to ensure you have dedicated writing time, then we'll open up the conversation for questions. Our accountability system will help us hold ourselves (as well as each other) to our writing goals.

This offering includes:

• Two 90-minute writing/ co-working calls with 20 minutes of Q&A each month.

• Two accountability check-ins each month.

• The Writer's Circle Starter Pack: teachings for when you need a bit of additional support.

We meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month, from 2:00-3:30pm MT/ 4:00-5:30 pm ET.

Please note: this is a 6-month commitment to yourself and to your project.

Click here to learn more and register.


A 6-Month Small Group Mastermind to Finish Your Memoir

The Collective Mastermind is a 6-month container to help you write forward and finish your memoir. This is a small group offering with additional teachings and hot seat coaching (I'll give feedback on pages in a group setting, so we all learn from each other). Plus, dedicated writing time and an accountability system to help us meet our goals. We meet weekly.

This offering includes:

• Monthly teachings on structure, mindset, the messy middle, publishing paths, etc.

• Hot seat coaching. Twice a month, folks share pages and I'll provide feedback on the call. In addition to getting feedback on your own pages, we'll learn from each other.

• Two 90-minute writing/ co-working calls with 20 minutes of Q&A.

• Weekly accountability check-ins and support.

• The Collective Starter Pack: a full set of on-demand teachings for when you need additional support.

We meet weekly on Tuesdays, from 1:00-2:30pm MT/ 3:00-4:30 pm ET.

Please note: Memoir Mastery is a prerequisite for this offering. Acceptance is by application only.

Click here to learn more.

Grab your Story Starter Kit and learn how to write a compelling memoir.

Click here to start writing today!

The Story Starter Kit will teach you how to :

Clarify your story

Shape your story

Start writing today


I help women write powerful memoirs so they can share their wisdom with the world.


© 2024 Tanja Pajevic